
Our vision for Geography at Birklands

Through their learning in geography, children are encouraged to develop their curiosity and sense of adventure for their locality and the wider world, as well as an understanding of their responsibilities for the sustainability of the planet.

Our geography curriculum encourages our pupils to become more socially aware by having an environmental focus that interweaves key geographical knowledge and understanding.

Our geography themes give the opportunity to find out about and compare the human and physical geographical features of different regions and countries while also considering wider environmental issues. This includes geographical changes which occur over time and why, and what the possible future effects may be of actions take today.

The purpose of teaching geography at Birklands is:
  • To develop and nurture curiosity and inquisitiveness.
  • To provide all children with opportunities to develop a deep understanding of the natural and physical world around them, an understanding of the impact humankind is having on the natural world, acquiring specific skills and knowledge to help them to think like a geographer.
  • To expose pupils to geographical terms and vocabulary, maps and atlases which enables them to apply geographical knowledge and skills.
  • To develop rational thinking and encourage children to challenge the impact of human actions on natural features and the physical environment, knowing that the need for evidence is key.
  • To encourage creative thinkers when researching, investigating, exploring and experimenting possible answers/solutions to the question.
  • To ensure that all lessons are interactive, encouraging peer talk, investigation and questioning preconceptions.
  • To raise aspirations by immersing children in new knowledge and experiences, showing them that this subject opens up opportunities to a career they may not have previously considered.
  • To empower children to look beyond their immediate environments to develop a sense of adventure and curiosity about the wider world.
  • To develop determination, resilience, self-motivation and reflective thinking by actively highlighting how geographers approach their work and research.
  • To ensure that knowledge and research is linked to wider understanding of the impact humans and the natural world have upon physical features of the planet.

Geography Curriculum Intent

Geography Overview 2023/24 & 2024/25

September 2024


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